Sunday, January 10, 2010

Starting Small.....

As a recent first time Momma, I have been inundated with baby product options. With all of  the NEEDS and WANTS of car seats, strollers, furniture, cribs, matresses, change tables, toys, swings, videos, clothing, diapers... etc... you end up with tons of options, features benefits and the lists are endless. What is a Momma to do? Their homework! That's what!

From the time I found out that I was expecting our little Charlotte I knew right away that I would be doing a lot of researching. I have sifted through so many sites and catalogs and review pages and found that it is very difficult to find a legitimate source of information that reviews REAL products for REAL families that isn't just "I didn't like these at all" or a rating system of five stars. I want pros and cons of all kinds of products and would prefer that they be in ONE location. I have to go through tons of different sites and blogs just to find one that is the niche for the product I am looking for.

My solution to these problems....I think that I will attempt to become a product reviewer. Not just for free stuff (which I know is a huge plus), but because I REALLY like to try things before investing a lot of money in them. Also, I would like to review not only child care items but also products for around the house, for myself, for my hubby and also products that friends and family and (hopefully) my readers would like to see reviewed by someone without any motives. Eventually I would like to set up a site and share the benefits of product reviewing!  Meaning contests, giveaways, samples etc. So who is with me??

I will start out by reviewing a lot of products that I already have that I have love and/or hate relationships with. Many items I LOVE for so many reasons but they all seem to have issues that could be improved upon...

Stay tuned for my first reviews!!! Topics including cloth diapers (I would love to review more....), strollers, car seats, and all kinds of baby products for starters.



AKA Charlotte's Momma

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